Limit admission of nourishments containing immersed fat, included

salt, included sugars and liquor.

Limit admission of nourishments high in immersed fat, for example, a.

numerous rolls, cakes, baked goods, pies, prepared

meats, business burgers, pizza, broiled sustenances,

potato chips, crisps and other appetizing snacks.

contain which nourishments fat high • Replace

predominately soaked fats, for example, margarine,

cream, cooking margarine, coconut and palm

predominately contain which nourishments with oil

polyunsaturated and mononsaturated fats such

as oils, spreads, nut margarines/glues and avocado.

Limit admission of nourishments and beverages containing b.

included salt.

alternatives sodium lower decide to marks • Read

among comparative sustenances.

at or cooking in sustenances to salt include not • Do

the table.

Limit admission of sustenances and beverages containing included c.

sugar-sweetened candy parlor, accordingly sugars

soda pops and cordials, organic product drinks, vitamin

drinks. games and vitality waters,

ladies For admission. limit liquor, beverage to pick you If d.

then again pregnancy an arranging pregnant, are who

breastfeeding, not drinking liquor is the most secure choice.

Rule 4:

Energize, bolster and advance breastfeeding.

Rule 5:

Look after your sustenance; plan and store it securely.

S? uideline TARY G kick the bucket e TH e WHAT AR

give Australian Dietary Guidelines The

exceptional exhortation about the sum and

sorts of sustenances that we have to eat for

wellbeing and wellbeing. They are based

on experimental confirmation and examination.

of most Australian Dietary Guidelines The

importance to grown-ups are incorporated underneath:

Rule 1:

be weight, sound a keep up and accomplish To

physically dynamic and pick measures of nutritious

. nourishment and beverages to meet your vitality needs

More established individuals ought to eat nutritious nourishments and keep •

physically dynamic to keep up muscle quality

weight. sound an and

Rule 2:

five these from nourishments nutritious of assortment wide an Enjoy

nutritional categories consistently:

A lot of vegetables of various sorts and hues, •

also, vegetables/beans

Natural product •

high and/or wholegrain for the most part nourishments, (oat) Grain •

rice, grains, breads, in that capacity assortments, fiber oat

pasta, noodles, polenta, couscous, oats, quinoa

what's more, grain

what's more, nuts tofu, eggs, fish, poultry, and meats Lean •

seeds, and vegetables/beans

Milk, yogurt, cheddar and/or their choices, •

for the most part decreased fat

water. of bounty drink And

Need more data about adhering to a good diet?

S oice H c ARY particle TeRcS : di T o limi TS Food

Optional decisions' are called that since they "

are not a fundamental or essential piece of our dietary

designs. Optional nourishments are high in kilojoules,

soaked fat, included sugars, included salt or liquor.

In the event that picked, they ought to be eaten just in some cases

what's more, in little sums.

Cases of optional decisions include:

Sweet rolls, cakes and treats •

Handled meats and wieners •

Frozen yogurt, candy store and chocolate •

Meat pies and different cakes •

Business burgers, hot chips, •

also, fricasseed sustenances

Crisps and other greasy and/or salty snacks •

Cream and spread •

Sugar-sweetened cordials, sodas, •

natural product beverages and games drinks

Mixed beverages •

The Australian Dietary Guidelines give

a la mode counsel about the sum and

sorts of nourishments that we have to eat for wellbeing

also, wellbeing.

For more data visit:

on the other hand contact:

National Health and Medical Research Council

GPO Box 1421

Canberra ACT 2601

13 000 NHMRC (13 000 64672)

To request print duplicates contact:

National Mailing and Marketing


Telephone: 02 6269 1080

Production Reference: N55g

TipSFoR cHooSinG nuTRiTiouS

Sustenances And dRinkS

Eating for wellbeing and wellbeing is about picking

sustenances from the Five Food Groups each day, while

constraining nourishments that are not vital to our wellbeing.

Plan ahead and stock up on fundamental nutritious

sustenances like wholegrain oats and other grain

nourishments, diminished fat milk, lentils or different vegetables,

eggs, and solidified or canned nourishments without included

sugars or included salt – along these lines you can eat at

home all the more frequently and cook suppers yourself by

including new fixings.

Choose an assortment of sorts and shades of new

vegetables and natural products that are in season.

Try better approaches for cooking with vegetables such as

broiling, heating, grilling and blend singing.

Add additional vegetables and vegetables to your formulas.

Use natural product for snacks and pastries.

Lean red meats are critical, however a most extreme

of 455g a week is suggested.

Include no less than 1 or 2 without meat suppers every week

– incorporate eggs, vegetables, for example, beans and tofu,

also, nuts and seeds.

Choose decreased fat assortments of milk, yogurt

also, cheddar.

Include little measures of nourishments rich in unsaturated

fats, for example, oils, spreads, nut margarines/glues

furthermore, avocado.

Drink a lot of water rather than beverages with

included sugars or liquor.

Choose precisely when eating out-point of confinement smooth,

industrially prepared or broiled nourishments.

Store unused cooked sustenance in the cooler.

Older individuals who experience difficulty with their teeth,

might incline toward milder textured or cooked vegetables

furthermore, natural product, finely processed wholegrain grain nourishments

furthermore, dishes like soups, meals or stews.



eating for

eATFoR HeAlTH And WellbeinG

Rule 3:

Limit admission of nourishments containing soaked fat, included

salt, included sugars and liquor.

Limit admission of nourishments high in soaked fat, for example, a.

numerous scones, cakes, cakes, pies, handled

meats, business burgers, pizza, seared nourishments,

potato chips, crisps and other flavorful snacks.

contain which nourishments fat high • Replace

predominately soaked fats, for example, spread,

cream, cooking margarine, coconut and palm

predominately contain which nourishments with oil

polyunsaturated and mononsaturated fats such

as oils, spreads, nut margarines/glues and avocado.

Limit admission of nourishments and beverages containing b.

included salt.

alternatives sodium lower decide to names • Read

among comparative sustenances.

at or cooking in sustenances to salt include not • Do

the table.

Limit admission of sustenances and beverages containing included c.

sugar-sweetened ice cream parlor, all things considered sugars

soda pops and cordials, organic product drinks, vitamin

drinks. games and vitality waters,

ladies For admission. limit liquor, beverage to pick you If d.

on the other hand pregnancy an arranging pregnant, are who

breastfeeding, not drinking liquor is the most secure choice.

Rule 4:

Energize, bolster and advance breastfeeding.

Rule 5:

Watch over your sustenance; get ready and store it securely.

S? uideline TARY G kick the bucket e TH e WHAT AR

give Australian Dietary Guidelines The

state-of-the-art exhortation about the sum and

sorts of sustenances that we have to eat for

wellbeing and wellbeing. They are based

on logical confirmation and exploration.

of most Australian Dietary Guidelines The

significance to grown-ups are incorporated beneath:

Rule 1:

be weight, solid a keep up and accomplish To

physically dynamic and pick measures of nutritious

. sustenance and beverages to meet your vitality needs

More seasoned individuals ought to eat nutritious nourishments and keep •

physically dynamic to keep up muscle quality

weight. solid an and

Rule 2:

five these from sustenances nutritious of assortment wide an Enjoy

nutrition types each day:

A lot of vegetables of various sorts and hues, •

what's more, vegetables/beans

Organic product •

high and/or wholegrain generally nourishments, (oat) Grain •

rice, oats, breads, in that capacity assortments, fiber oat

pasta, noodles, polenta, couscous, oats, quinoa

what's more, grain

what's more, nuts tofu, eggs, fish, poultry, and meats Lean •

seeds, and vegetables/beans

Milk, yogurt, cheddar and/or their options, •

for the most part lessened fat

water. of bounty drink And

Need more data about good dieting?

S oice H c ARY particle TeRcS : di T o limi TS Food

Optional decisions' are called that since they "

are not a crucial or important piece of our dietary

designs. Optional nourishments are high in kilojoules,

soaked fat, included sugars, included salt or liquor.

In the event that picked, they ought to be eaten just once in a while

also, in little sums.

Cases of optional decisions include:

Sweet rolls, cakes and pastries •

Handled meats and frankfurters •

Frozen yogurt, ice cream parlor and chocolate •

Meat pies and different cakes •

Business burgers, hot chips, •

also, singed sustenances

Crisps and other greasy and/or salty snacks •

Cream and spread •

Sugar-sweetened cordials, sodas, •

natural product beverages and games drinks

Mixed beverages •

The Australian Dietary Guidelines give

avant-garde counsel about the sum and

sorts of nourishments that we have to eat for wellbeing

what's more, wellbeing.

For more data visit:

on the other hand contact:

National Health and Medical Research Council

GPO Box 1421

Canberra ACT 2601

13 000 NHMRC (13 000 64672)

To request print duplicates contact:

National Mailing and Marketing


Telephone: 02 6269 1080

Distribution Reference: N55g

TipSFoR cHooSinG nuTRiTiouS

Nourishments And dRinkS

Eating for wellbeing and wellbeing is about picking

nourishments from the Five Food Groups each day, while

restricting nourishments that are not key to our wellbeing.

Plan ahead and stock up on essential nutritious

nourishments like wholegrain oats and other grain

sustenances, lessened fat milk, lentils or different vegetables,

eggs, and solidified or canned sustenances without included

sugars or included salt – along these lines you can eat at

home all the more regularly and cook suppers yourself by

including crisp fixings.

Choose an assortment of sorts and shades of new

vegetables and organic products that are in season.

Try better approaches for cooking with vegetables such as

simmering, heating, grilling and mix singing.

Add additional vegetables and vegetables to your formulas.

Use organic product for snacks and pastries.

Lean red meats are vital, however a most extreme

of 455g a week